The Patriots are amazing. They are the best football team ever assembled. Hands down. No I'm not drinking the Kool-Aid. I mixed the flavoring.
I still hate the Red Sux with a passion, and find it terrible that they won the World Series (in another sweep, no less)
A-Rod opted out -- soon he will be an Angel. "An A-Bomb for A-Rod the A-ngel!"
Yanks offer the job to Girardi -- I predicted in the summer of '06 that Girardi would be the manager for the Yankees on Opening Day 2008. I'm not a guy to pat myself on the back (he has to accept the offer first), but kudos to me and the other 50% of the nation that had Girardi as manager over Mattingly.
The Dolphins still suck. But hey, as long as they continue to lose games by only a score, or at least stay close all game (Giants, Texans, Cowboys), they will go down as the best 0-16 team ever.
Tomah, WI football fans are terrible. Drunk idiots that sit outside the stadium to yell meaningless banter at the opposing teams and coaches, blowing air-horns at will (despite WIAA prohibitions) because they didn't pay to get in and watch it from the sidewalk. Kids on talking trash about other teams, thinking Tomah was amazing. Good fun and all I'm sure, but regardless of having injury concerns Tomah could have made the game a little more interesting than the 38-13 blowout that was. Good job Lakeland.
I have nothing to do this week besides move into my new apartment and write four features. Should be a fun (or not so fun) time.
I miss the feeling of playing video games for hours at a time.
I miss the feeling of being absolutely and obnoxiously wasted. Well, I don't MISS IT miss it, but I still want to get crunked up again sometime soon.
My daughter is excessively smart for an 18-month old. And she loves the Badgers. And she cried when I said that the Red Sox won the WS. Thank god for me. Now... If only I can keep her away from Cubs, Bears, and Packer fans my experiment would be complete....
Off the top of my head...
A blog because I felt like blogging
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